Next-Generation Biocontrol of Invasive Vertebrate Pests

A one-day symposium, addressing the impact of invasive vertebrate species across Australia through application of new and emerging biological control strategies.

STEM & Society: Caring for the Rare

Victoria’s Zoos, Museums and Botanic Gardens are more than interesting places for people to visit - they are also engines of cutting-edge research and field work. Join us at the Parliament of Victoria to hear from our state’s botanists, zoologists and collection managers caring for the rare in the face of mounting challenges.

Studley Park – Go Bush in Inner Melbourne!

Explore 420 million years of Melbourne’s geological and hydrological history with Geography Victoria and the Royal Society of Victoria.

STEM & Society: Science & Culture on Country

This NAIDOC Week, join two Indigenous environmental scholars seeking better connections between scientific and cultural knowledge practices.

Creating a World Leading Manufacturing Sector in Victoria

Professor Bronwyn Fox
Chief Scientist, CSIRO
Panellists: Dr Amanda Caples, Victoria’s Chief Scientist and Mr Rob Gell AM, President of the Royal Society of Victoria