From Dump to Paradise: Saving the Eastern Barred Bandicoot from Extinction

Dr Amy Coetsee
Threatened Species Biologist, Zoos Victoria

Young Scientist Research Prizes Competition: Presentations, Judging and Prize Ceremony

Earth Sciences:

Owen Missen – Monash University

Kimberley Reid – The University of Melbourne

Biological (non-human) Sciences:

Sike Li – Monash University

Sarah McDonald – The University of Melbourne

Physical Sciences:

Sumaiya Kabir – RMIT University

Mark Vidallon – Monash University

Biomedical & Health Sciences:

Lauren Bleakley – The University of Melbourne

Ronnie Low – The University of Melbourne

Decarbonising Energy: At the Tipping Point

Mr Simon Holmes à Court
Senior Adviser to the Climate and Energy College, Energy Transition Hub, the University of Melbourne

Coastal Resilience: How Landforms Cope with Changing Waves and Rising Seas

Associate Professor David Kennedy
Director, Office for Environmental Programs, The University of Melbourne

Liveable Cities for All: Are We There Yet?

Professor Billie Giles-Corti
Director, Centre for Urban Research’s Healthy Liveable Cities Research Group
Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University