Interacting with Eucalypts – Exhibition and Launch Event

For this Eucalyptus Day exhibition, the beauty and majesty of the mighty Mountain Ash, the tallest flowering plant in the world, is presented together with a retrospective on the commercial harvesting of plantation Mallee species for the production of Australia’s iconic Bosisto brand of eucalyptus oil.

Breaking News: An Insider’s Guide to the New Media Climate

Chair: Tanya Ha, Associate, Science in Public & MSSI
Panellists: Ben Knight (ABC News Victoria), Alison Caldwell (Freelance, Formerly ABC RN), Adam Morton (The Age & SMH) and Cathy Alexander (MSSI, Formerly Crikey & AAP)
What turns environmental science and issues into news for media outlets and their audiences? Where have all the science and environment reporters gone? How do you get your sustainability story into the news?

AARE Pre-Conference Workshop for Postgraduate Students and Early Career Researchers

This year the Royal Society of Victoria is sponsor to a pre-conference workshop for the 2016 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference on Sunday, 27 November, available to postgraduates and early career researchers. RSV student members are eligible for a discounted rate.

Meet Science’s Social Media Stars

If you’re keen to raise your (or your organisation’s) profile on social media, this is the session for you.
Featuring Melbourne Uni’s Dr Katie Mack, Deakin Uni’s Dr Euan Ritchie and Swinburne Uni’s Dr Alan Duffy (AKA @astrokatie, @EuanRitchie1 and @astroduff).

Genomics & Personalised Medicine: Have we Arrived at our Destination?

An 2016 Innovation Week Launch Event with the BioMelbourne Network.
Advances in genomics have created opportunities to deliver patient specific information to tailor treatments to the individual in a way never before possible.