2022 RSV Fellows Appointed

This month we welcome new Fellows to provide knowledge leadership across four sectors, representing the first round of recruitment by the RSV towards establishing a new College for Science and Society to help guide our activities, provide appropriate spokespeople to represent formal positions and establish effective partnerships across the sectors to win progress towards aligned goals. Our Fellows will be leading our forthcoming Forum on Biodiversity Conservation and Recovery in June.

Responding to the Era – A Strategic Realignment of Victoria’s Scientific Society

Our Society’s role as a convenor of Victoria’s science community must be reinvigorated and extended to include sectors and knowledge systems beyond academia. This way, we connect Victorians everywhere with expertise that can enable effective decision making – informed, localised responses to issues both global and regional. We are re-examining and refocusing our strategy, structure and scope of activities.

2021 RSV Fellows Appointed

We are delighted to announce the 2021 Fellows of the Royal Society of Victoria, the highest membership honour the Society can bestow on a person, which entitles the Fellow to use of the postnominals ‘FRSV.’ Please join us in congratulating our colleagues on this recognition of their work in furthering the Society’s goals to promote the sciences in Victoria, their contributions to their fields of research and education, and their continued commitment to the public appreciation of science.

2020 RSV Fellows Appointed

I am delighted to advise the RSV Council Meeting of 27 February, 2020 unanimously agreed to appoint four leaders in the Victorian science community as Fellows of the Royal Society of Victoria.

Being elected a Fellow is the highest membership honour the Society can bestow on a person and entitles the Fellow to use of the postnominals ‘FRSV.’ Our four new Fellows will be formally inducted as part of the Society’s Annual General Meeting program which will be held on Thursday 14 May between 5 and 8pm. Members, please mark this event in your diary. You will receive an invitation with full details, including an address by Professor Marilyn Renfree AO, in late March.

On behalf of your Council, please join me in congratulating our four new Fellows.