Moth Tracker

While Bogong Moth numbers have increased since the collapse of 2017 and 2018 due to the devastating drought across south-eastern Australia, their numbers remain dangerously low. They have failed to return to some long-term survey sites. While the La Niña weather pattern assisted numbers in 2022-2023, numbers in 2023-2024 were lower and grave concerns are held for future years under a changing climate.

Surviving an Existential Crisis: Tackling Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change

Online abuse and bearing witness to the destruction of what many of us know (and love) intimately can take a heavy toll on scientists and environmental advocates. But the choices we make now will determine the future we inherit. Far from feeling that all is lost, Euan Ritchie urges all to speak and act for the voiceless, to care for and defend what you love.

The Royal Society of Victoria – Official Position on Climate Change

A significant, urgent and sustained reduction in emissions is required to reach greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. A target of 50% reduction relative to 2005 levels by 2030 for Australia would be consistent with the required rate of emissions reductions to meet the Paris Agreement targets of limiting global warming to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

A Response to Concerns from the Extinction Rebellion Action of 28 June

I’ve been alerted to a number of concerns held by those attending the peaceful protest action at the Royal Society of Victoria (RSV) last Friday afternoon for the cancellation of DELWP’s community consultation and subsequent closure of the Society’s building. This statement is provided at my earliest opportunity to help clarify matters from the Society’s perspective. As an independent organisation, the Society’s relationship with government is complex. In some cases we act as a partner, in some as a service provider, and in others as a venue provider.

The Burke & Wills Memorial and the Melbourne Metro Rail Project

The Society’s governing Council has supported the Burke & Wills Historical Society’s bid to have the memorial moved into the Golden Mile, on our land at the corner of Exhibition and Victoria, opposite the Exhibition gardens, and we presented our position to the Future Melbourne Committee last night.