RSV Fundraiser: The Ellery Theatre Project

Please support the major audio visual upgrade of our heritage listed Ellery Theatre so we can broadcast our events, forums and presentations in an engaging, interactive format to the broader Victorian community. We aim to raise $50,000 from our community of members and friends, with the additional $180,000 to be sourced from philanthropic trusts and foundations, corporate supporters and government partners. It is a large undertaking for the Society, which has not seen a substantial technical investment in its facilities for some decades.

A New Fellow of the Royal Society of Victoria

Society members and guests were delighted to welcome and induct Professor Peter Doherty AC as our 2017 Fellow. Peter is well known in the science community as a vigorous advocate for the role of science in society and a proponent of the scientific method. He is celebrated for his outstanding achievement in the field of infection control and immunology, recognised through the award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology in 1996.

Meet our New President

David Zerman was inducted as the RSV’s 71st President at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 27th April.

“I am exceptionally honoured to have been elected the 71st President of the RSV.

My predecessors since the RSV was established in 1854 include some very notable people who have contributed to the scientific and community development of Victoria, Australia and internationally. “

Call for Nominations – The RSV Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research

Since its Centenary year (1959) the Royal Society of Victoria has awarded an annual Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research. The Award consists of a Silver Medal, which recognises outstanding contributions to scientific research in one of four categories, which rotate from year to year. In 2017, nominations are invited for the Royal Society of Victoria Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research in Category I: Biological Sciences (non-human).

Vale Dr Alan Louey Yen

Members will be saddened to learn of the death of Associate Professor Alan Louey Yen. Alan served on Council from 2005 to 2007 and held the position of Honorary Editor of our journal, the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. During this time, Alan organised several regional symposia on environmental issues, the papers from which were published in special issues of the Proceedings.