Art and Life in Earth’s Chemical Reactor

Professor Uta Wille
Head, Wille Group, Bio21 Molecular Science & Biotechnology Institute
Professor Chemistry & Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, Faculty of Science, The University of Melbourne

Dr Caroline Kyi
Art Conservator

Nanoparticles: Exploiting Colour and Light

Dr Rajesh Ramanathan
Senior Lecturer & Co-lead, NanoBiotechnology Research Laboratory, RMIT School of Science

What are Fungi Doing for our Bushlands?

Dr Sapphire McMullan-Fisher
Mycologist, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Pyrodiversity: Fire and Wildlife in the Anthropocene

Dr Luke Kelly,
Centenary Fellow, School of Ecosystem & Forest Sciences, The University of Melbourne

Victoria’s Regional Forest Agreements: The Contribution of Forests to Global Carbon Cycles

Ms Zoe Ryan
Head of Business Development, Climate Friendly
Associate Professor Lauren Bennett
Ecological Scientist, School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, the University of Melbourne
Dr Heather Keith
Senior Research Fellow, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University
Professor Rod Keenan
Chair of Forest and Ecosystem Sciences, Faculty of Science, the University of Melbourne