AQFx – an Australian Smoke Forecasting System – Online Event

Dr Martin Cope
Principal Research Scientist, Climate Science Centre, CSIRO

Sustainable Solar Energy through Exciton Control

Dr Wallace Wong
Senior Lecturer, School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne and Program Leader, ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Diamonds: an Implant’s Best Friend

Associate Professor Kate Fox
Biomedical Engineer, School of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, RMIT University

Weather Intelligence: Supporting Victoria’s State Control Centre

Kevin Parkyn
Senior Meteorologist, Bureau of Meteorology

Climate Change in Australia & Demystifying the IPCC (QueersInScience Lectures)

Dr James Driscoll MRSV
Geologist, Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Monash University
Dr Chloe Mackallah
Climate Scientist, Climate Model Development Division, CSIRO