The Invisible War: a Tale on Two Scales

In a celebration of art, science and history, Melbourne micro-publishers Scale Free Network will be launching their new book The Invisible War with the Royal Society of Victoria on Saturday August 20th, 2016. A National Science Week event.

Media Training for Scientists

Science in Public holds regular media training courses for scientists in Melbourne and around Australia. These courses are designed to help you understand what the media needs to bring your work to life; and to teach you how to help the media tell your story accurately. They are fundamentally different to corporate media training. The Royal Society of Victoria is hosting courses on March 21 and April 19, 2016.

History of the Scientific Revolution Tour – Briefing for RSV Members

An invitation for RSV members to join hosts Russell and Ellaine Downie on a guided tour of Western Europe, discovering the history of the scientific revolution.

Wheat Protein and the Gluten-Coeliac Connection: Research Proposal

Colleagues involved or interested in research aligned with the NHMRC human microbiome policy, US National Institute of Health microbiome research directives, and the International Human Microbiome Consortium goals are warmly invited to consider this collaborative research proposal with food scientists and industry.