From Monsoons to Desert: 50 Million Years of Australian Climate History

Associate Professor Stephen Gallagher
Reader, School of Earth Science, University of Melbourne

Communicating Science in a Post-Normal World

Speaker: Professor Mike S. Schäfer
Professor of Science Communication, Department of Communications & Media Research
Director, Center for Higher Education and Science Studies (CHESS)
University of Zurich

Professor David Karoly, Leader, Earth Systems & Climate Change Hub, National Environmental Science Program, CSIRO
Dr Linden Ashcroft, Lecturer in Climate Science & Science Communication, School of Earth Science, The University of Melbourne

Road Safety Vision Zero: the Science and the Technology

Dr Johan Strandroth
Safe System Lead, Safe System Road Infrastructure Program, VicRoads & TAC,
Project Director, Road Safety Strategy, Department of Transport
MC: Mr Kenn Beer, Principal Engineer, Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd
Dr Marilyn Johnson, Senior Research Fellow, Monash University
Mr David Shelton, Principal Consultant, Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd
Dr Max Lay, Former Director, ConnectEast, VicRoads and Australian Road Research Board
Ms Samantha Cockfield, Senior Manager, Road Safety, Traffic Accident Commission

Climate Change in the Classroom: Teachers’ Professional Development Workshop

A teachers’ professional development workshop facilitated by the Monash University Faculty of Science, in partnership with the International Science Council and the Royal Society of Victoria.

Campfires & Science: Future Forests

Join us in Lilydale for a unique ‘Campfires and Science’ event where we will hear from experts in the area of forest management, and help us inform our response to government proposals for new Regional Forest Agreements in Victoria. You can also learn about the work ‘Science for All’ has been doing to understand biodiversity in the region, and learn how you can get involved! We’ll also be covering the principles of ‘critical appraisal skills’ for those who want to learn how to take part in the process of creating peer reviewed science.