Our Society’s role as a convenor of Victoria’s science community must be reinvigorated and extended to include sectors and knowledge systems beyond academia. This way, we connect Victorians everywhere with expertise that can enable effective decision making – informed, localised responses to issues both global and regional. We are re-examining and refocusing our strategy, structure and scope of activities.
The Royal Society of Victoria seeks expressions of interest from its Members in contributing as an Associate Editor to the publication of papers in our journal and the production of position papers reflecting the deliberations of our annual membership forums. This will be an honorary position, supporting editorial work on Victoria’s longest-running science journal and the development of the Society’s Position Papers.
In accordance with our Rules, full RSV members (i.e. with voting rights) are asked to register their intention to attend this Special General Meeting of the Royal Society of Victoria at 5pm on Thursday 21st June, 2018, noting a quorum of 50 will be required. Members will be asked to endorse the Society’s proposal to raise significant funds to resource the future operations of the Society’s activities, as well as the refurbishment and extension of the Society’s headquarters at 8 La Trobe Street, Melbourne through a residential development project on the site formerly occupied by the Bureau of Meteorology.
Members will be saddened to learn of the death of Associate Professor Alan Louey Yen. Alan served on Council from 2005 to 2007 and held the position of Honorary Editor of our journal, the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. During this time, Alan organised several regional symposia on environmental issues, the papers from which were published in special issues of the Proceedings.