Protecting Your Health From Severe Hot Weather

Like a high-performance vehicle, the human body is very finely calibrated for peak efficiency. The brain regulates body temperature, keeping it within a very narrow range for optimum functioning. A balance must be struck between heat generating activities (exercise, metabolism, ingesting hot food and drink ), heat loss (sharing heat through closeness or touch, breathing, sweating, and other excretions) and the environment.

From Meteorites to Meteorology – Diverse Victorian Science in the Latest Proceedings

The latest edition of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria is now online, featuring a new species of calcareous sponge discovered in Geelong, a spectacular new H5 meteorite in Maryborough, an account of Indigenous meteorological knowledge using stellar scintillation, a reclassification of fossil graptolites from the early Bendigonian, a case for regulated investment in a resilient electricity network, an account of the Bureau of Meteorology’s new extreme heatwave event forecasting service, and a discussion on whether a similar service might be required for cold extremes.