Science vs. Branding in the Bottled Water Market

While consumers might express concerns for the environmental impacts of disposable plastic bottles, these do not translate to major changes in purchasing behaviour. In other words, knowing that plastic bottles pollute our environment isn’t enough to stop people buying water in plastic bottles. Without intervention, the popularity of bottled water seems unlikely to weaken.

Surviving an Existential Crisis: Tackling Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change

Online abuse and bearing witness to the destruction of what many of us know (and love) intimately can take a heavy toll on scientists and environmental advocates. But the choices we make now will determine the future we inherit. Far from feeling that all is lost, Euan Ritchie urges all to speak and act for the voiceless, to care for and defend what you love.

Victoria’s Environment: Adapting to the New Normal

Our climate is already changing. Under the Paris Agreement, Australia and the world’s great nations have committed to reducing global temperatures to a 1.5-2°C rise over pre-industrial levels. Should this exercise prove successful, a 2°C rise will still have far-reaching climate effects, with major implications for the State of Victoria. This panel of senior scientists were gathered together by the Governor of Victoria to showcase some of the work in climate adaptation produced in our state and, most importantly, share actions we could all take in our personal and professional lives to adapt to the “new normal.”