How Fire Shapes Plant Life Cycles

Working adaptively with fire as a tool for ecological health can help us to prevent the extinction of flora species across Victoria’s ecosystems. Ella Plumanns Pouton (University of Melbourne/Deakin University) works to understand how fire regimes support different plants across their whole life cycle, providing a vital scientific foundation for fire management practices that respond to the unfolding global biodiversity crisis.

Growing Beyond Earth

As humans increasingly explore space, we will want – and need – to bring plants with us. Plants are critical for keeping space travellers healthy on long missions: exploring deep space, on long stints on the ISS, or setting up a base on the Moon or Mars. Researchers are testing various crops and equipment to figure out how to do this without using a lot of extra hardware or power.

Sprummertime: Why Australia should scrap the four seasons

September is considered the start of spring by most Australians, but Tim Entwisle thinks we have it all wrong. In the south at least, we should be celebrating an ‘early spring’ in August and September—when the wattles are blooming en masse—and a ‘late spring’ in October and November. Yet most don’t acknowledge that things are different in the great southern land.

A Pathway to Value Victoria’s Flora

One of the challenges of resolving the biodiversity crisis is making it a part of the Victorian community’s consciousness. In a world with so many competing problems, the silent destruction of our unique plants struggles for attention. Gordon Noble offers three simple “nudges” to drive investment in protecting and restoring Victoria’s flora.

The Many Different Pathways of STEMM

This piece appears in the July 2023 edition of Science Victoria magazine. All issues can be read online for free at Embarking on a career in STEMM often involves dealing with uncertainties when it comes to progressing from education and training to professional employment and expertise. Even with training in one subject – whether […]