The Catchers of the Ryegrass

Herbicides were initially seen as an easy remedy to manage agricultural weeds, but over time they have unintentionally fuelled the rise of ‘superweeds’—plant species that quickly evolve herbicide resistance, transforming a solution into a growing problem. Ryegrass is the target weed for the Adaptive Evolution Lab at the University of Melbourne, working to uncover its adaptive, evolutionary defence mechanisms.

Preparing for the Inevitable: what a 50°C day means for Victoria’s food system

On the 3rd of July, the record for the average global air temperature was broken. The northern hemisphere’s summer reminds us that extreme heat events may be just around the corner. A 50°C day, which climate scenarios gave small comfort was still some time off, could happen any time. How prepared is Victoria’s food system?

Action Needed to Ensure the Recovery of the Leadbeater’s Possum

In light of the recent re-classification of the Leadbeater’s Possum as “critically endangered,” the Royal Society of Victoria wishes to make clear its position.

Position Statement: Climate Research & Application is Big Business

The recent announcement by CSIRO of a plan to substantially reduce its research into Australia’s climate and its future prognosis is puzzling, and cause for concern.