Partnering to Deliver Victoria’s Inspiring Australia Program

The RSV is delighted to be partnering with the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments to deliver a new Inspiring Australia program, engaging our state’s communities in the excitement and opportunities of advances in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

The partnership will connect everyday Victorians with STEM by demonstrating how these skills improve our knowledge of the world around us, inform better decision making, business efficiency and solve some of our greatest everyday challenges.

Congratulations to Professor Jenny Graves AO

Please join us in offering warmest congratulations to longstanding RSV member Professor Jenny Graves AO, recipient of the 2017 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science for her work transforming our understanding of how vertebrate animals, including humans, evolved and function.

Over the span of her career, Jenny has kick-started genomic and epigenetic research in Australia, and predicted the disappearance of the male chromosome.

Jenny’s research has used Australia’s marsupials, monotremes, birds and lizards to understand the complexity of the human genome and to reveal new human genes. She has transformed our understanding of how sex chromosomes work and how they evolved, determining that the human XY sex chromosome system only evolved recently.

Trevor Lithgow Awarded 2017 Research Medal

Warmest congratulations to Professor Trevor Lithgow! Trevor is this year’s winner of the prestigious RSV Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research in Category I: Biological Sciences (non-human). The award of the Medal to Professor Lithgow acknowledges his outstanding contributions to the fields of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Based at the Department of Microbiology within Monash University’s Biomedicine Discovery Institute, he heads a team researchers to examine cellular microbiology, uncovering clues on how to tackle important issues like the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria – a priority on the Global Health Agenda. The knowledge his work has uncovered provides an essential step towards developing new anti-microbial strategies required by this century’s environmental, agricultural and health industries.

Vale William Fenner

The Council of the Royal Society of Victoria records with sadness the passing of a much valued member in Mr William Fenner on 21 August, 2017 at the age of 95.

A member since 2001, Bill was a regular feature at the Society’s lectures and events until moving into care last year. An engineer with expertise in quality and productivity improvement and a keen interest in geology, geophysics, evolutionary biology and international politics, he was a forthright individual, brim full of ideas and a memorable feature of the Society’s meetings, forums and events.

Fondly remembered by all who knew him. Our thoughts and condolences are with Monnie and family at this sad time.

Welcome to Scientell

We are absolutely delighted to welcome Simon Torok and Paul Holper of science communication agency Scientell to the Society’s historic building.

Simon and Paul are seasoned science communicators, writers, editors, marketers, media strategists and business developers. They have acquired extensive experience as program managers and communications specialists with CSIRO over many years.

Scientell recently won the 2016-17 Monash Business Award in the “Micro Business” category in recognition of their significant achievements and innovations, which includes one of their pieces being included in The Best Australian Science Writing 2017 – in some very fine company indeed.