Reefs, Revolutions & Redox at the Dawn of Animal Life

Dr Ashleigh Hood
ARC DECRA Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Sedimentology
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne

Validation of Einstein’s General Relativity

In 1922, the path of a total solar eclipse crossed the central part of Australia, presenting the first opportunity to validate Eddington’s claims that Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity was a ‘representation of nature’.

Young Scientist Research Prizes Competition: Presentations, Judging and Prize Ceremony

Discover the work of eight Victorian early career researchers across four categories of science, and support our high achievers!

Creating a World Leading Manufacturing Sector in Victoria

Professor Bronwyn Fox
Chief Scientist, CSIRO
Panellists: Dr Amanda Caples, Victoria’s Chief Scientist and Mr Rob Gell AM, President of the Royal Society of Victoria

Australian Caves: Diversity, Wonder and Risk

Professor John Webb
Professor of Environmental Geoscience, La Trobe University