Reinventing the Chemical Industry with Green Chemistry

Dr Paul T. Anastas
Director, Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale University
Dr John Warner
Distinguished Professor of Green Chemistry, Monash University

Glaciers and Ice Sheets in a Warming World

Professor Andrew Mackintosh
Head, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University
ARC Chief Investigator, ‘Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future’

The Occupation of Qatar – a lived experience of climatic change

Dr Phillip Macumber MRSV
Principal Hydrogeologist, Phillip Macumber Consulting Services

Optimising Healthcare for People with Musculoskeletal Conditions

Professor Rachelle Buchbinder
School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine, Monash University
Director, Monash-Cabrini Department of Musculoskeletal Health and Clinical Epidemiology
Rheumatologist, Cabrini Health

Reefs, Revolutions & Redox at the Dawn of Animal Life

Dr Ashleigh Hood
ARC DECRA Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Sedimentology
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne