Exoplanets and Life in Space

Chair: Professor Rachel Webster
Panellists: Dr Katie Mack, Associate Professor Alan Duffy, Dr Upulie Divisekera, Dr Morgan Saletta

Engaging Young Audiences with Science

Rose Hiscock
Inaugural Director, Science Gallery Melbourne

The Challenges of a Changing World: Conservation & Park Management

Dr Mark Norman
Chief Conservation Scientist and Director of Environment and Science, Parks Victoria

RSV Annual General Meeting – Voting Members Only

Featuring Laureate Professor Peter Doherty AC on “The Challenges Facing Us.” RSV members are asked to register their intention to attend the 2016 AGM, noting a quorum of 50 will be required. If you cannot attend, please nominate your proxy on the form provided here.

A Moonshot Approach to Cancer: what will it take to find the cures?

Professor Miles Prince AM
Director, Centre for Blood Cell Therapies, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Director of Molecular Oncology & Cancer Immunology, Epworth Healthcare