Growing Tall Poppies – 2016 Symposium

Professional Development for Teachers of Physics, Science, and Careers (Certificate of Participation Provided). Extension and Leadership Development for Outstanding Students.
Science teachers and late secondary students are invited to attend the 2016 Growing Tall Poppies Symposium, a great opportunity to explore and develop your potential as a part of Melbourne’s science and education community.

Ada Lovelace Day: Celebrating Women and Girls in STEM

An event for Secondary School-age girls and their parents/guardians, Ada Lovelace Day is about celebrating the achievements of Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths to inspire the next generation.

School Holiday Science at the Royal Society of Victoria

The Royal Society of Victoria presents a science and art-based school holiday activity from the Scale Free Network, featuring a “Microscope Drawing Laboratory” and “Small Friends Storytelling.”

RSV Science Writing and Outreach Training Workshop with Peter Spinks

A two day, intensive course imparting the essential skills and strategies required to effectively convey your work to the media, government, research grant bodies and the general public.

The Making of the Melbourne Mechanics’ Institution

Anne Marsden‘s new history takes a close look at the fifty men elected to the Melbourne Mechanics’ Institution’s first committee and their pioneering role in the settlement of Port Phillip, revealing the broad social platform that led to the cultural identity of present-day Melbourne.