Victoria’s Regional Forest Agreements: The Productivity of Forest Ecosystems

Dr Bill Jackson, Environmental Consultant, Formerly Chief Executive of Parks Victoria & Director of National Parks for the State of Victoria
Mr Braden Jenkin, Institute of Foresters of Australia, Australian Forest Growers
Dr Thomas Fairman, Forest Regulation Policy Officer, Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
Professor Patrick Baker, Professor of Silviculture & Forest Ecology, The University of Melbourne

The Future of Victoria’s Environment

Dr Scott Rawlings, Head of Science and Research, Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability, Victoria
Mr Andrew Marshall, Science Writer, Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability, Victoria

The Lost World of Bayside Fossils

Bayside Fossil Fundraiser Event for Museums Victoria, featuring:
Dr Erich Fitzgerald, Senior Palaeontologist, Museums Victoria
Murray Orr, Bayside Earth Sciences Society
Hosted by Vicki Karalis AM, Sandringham Foreshore Association

How Best Shall we Advocate for the Sciences?

Dr Amy Edwards Homeward Bound 3; Postdoctoral Research Officer, Ecology, Environment & Evolution, Latrobe University
Dr Anita Goh Homeward Bound 3; Superstars of STEM 2019; Clinical Neuropsychologist and Research Fellow, National Ageing Research Institute Neuropsychiatry Unit, Royal Melbourne Hospital. Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, The University of Melbourne
Dr Kudzai Kanhutu Superstars of STEM 2019; Infectious diseases physician, Telehealth Clinical lead, Deputy Medical Information Officer, Royal Melbourne Hospital. University of Melbourne
Mr Simon Pampena Discovery International’s Outrageous Acts of Science, Australian Numeracy Ambassador 2009-2017

Ockham’s Razor: LIVE at the Royal Society of Victoria

ABC Science returns to the Royal Society for a special podcast recording event. Ockham’s Razor is the ABC’s soapbox for all things scientific: stories, insights, arguments or tributes – anything that can grip an audience by the ears for 10 straight minutes.