Let’s Torque 2019 Grand Final

The Let’s Torque Grand Final returns to the Royal Society of Victoria for another night of top quality presentations by the next generation of STEM communicators. Come along to learn about some of the most exciting STEM solutions and mingle with members of the STEM communication community! 

Spot the Bull S…cience

Australia’s best and brightest scientists will present three scientific ‘facts’; the catch is, only two are correct! Your job is to discern the truthful statements from the fiction while the scientists do their Oscar-winning best to fool you into believing the latter.

Saving Species with Citizen Science

Come and join BioQuisitive and Science For All at Monash Tech School for this hands-on workshop about how everyday citizens are working to protect critically endangered species using DNA detection and other advanced technologies.

Stories from the Cosmos: what Indigenous storytelling can teach us about memory

Dr Simon Cropper, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne
Ms Kat Clarke, Artist, Writer & Assistant Curator at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image
Dr Lynne Kelly, Science Writer, Author of “The Memory Code” and “Memory Craft”
Dr Duane Hamacher, Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Monash University
Moderator: Dr Meredith McKague


Augment your reality. AI, bionics and smart devices are here to extend and enhance your senses. So what are the possible futures of human perception? At this event combining performance, storytelling, and experimentation, make sense of the world of the senses, and find the limits to your own. The 2019 major event for National Science Week in Victoria, delivered by the Royal Society of Victoria and generously hosted by the Parliament of Victoria.