Young Scientist Research Prizes Competition: Presentations, Judging and Prize Ceremony
To foster and recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists, the Royal Society of Victoria has established four prestigious competitive prizes open to Victorian students in their final year of doctoral candidature, in all areas of the Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (Non-human), Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences.
Following assessment of applications across the four categories, we have selected eight PhD finalists to present their work to us. Join us to hear about the latest science from our emerging scientists, and to support and celebrate the achievements of Victoria’s upcoming high achievers.
Congratulations to our 2022 Finalists:
Biological Sciences
- Ms Michelle Xu – RMIT University
Protective cultures as natural antimicrobials for fresh meat shelf-life extension: their application and consumer acceptance - Ms Linda Riquelme – The University of Melbourne
Estimating understorey biomass using remote sensing in semi-arid woodlands of south-eastern Australia
Biomedical & Health Sciences
- Mr Aung Zaw Zaw Phyo – Monash University
Health-Related Quality of Life in Later Life: Predictors, Trajectories, and Health Outcomes - Mr Daniel Urrutia Cabrera – The University of Melbourne
Using Cellular Reprogramming and CRISPR Technologies to Regenerate the Retina and Treat Vision Loss
Earth Sciences
- Mr Pui Kwan Cheung – The University of Melbourne
Measuring the micro-climactic impacts of turf irrigation in a temperate summer season - Mr Hoseong Lim – Monash University
Timescales of granite infancy: Advances in granite geochronology
Physical Sciences
- Miss Mahshid Sadeghpour – RMIT University
Developing a Privacy-preserving Retinal Biometric Recognition System - Mr Yongqiang Wang – The University of Melbourne
Solar-driven CO2 capture and production from the air

Registration is available below to join us for the competition and awards ceremony at the Royal Society of Victoria’s historic Hall in the Melbourne CBD. Alternatively, you can watch along via our YouTube channel at the appointed time without needing to register.