Campfires & Science: Wild DNA in Cambarville

Love camping? Love science? Get involved!
Campfires and Science is a new and growing community of people who head outdoors, light a campfire, and share knowledge. Auspiced by the Royal Society of Victoria, we lead regular, free events in wild places to support scientific fieldwork and provide hands-on training in the research methods that help us to best protect the environment. Welcome to citizen science!
Join us for our next environmental DNA (eDNA) collection and sampling field trip. We’ll be working with the Australian National University (ANU) to teach people how to gather samples and look for the local presence of critically endangered tree dwelling mammals. We’ll do this by testing soils beneath habitat trees and capturing mosquitos with portable traps. We’ll have a special presentation by ANU researchers, telling us about their work – and will also hear from other experts who will share their knowledge around the campfire.
**Please note: a free vegan dinner is included. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate for any allergies; if you have any special requirements, please ensure you have catered for yourself.
Need a lift? Please join the Facebook thread to discuss car pooling.