Studley Park – Go Bush in Inner Melbourne!
A field trip organised by Geography Victoria and the Royal Society of Victoria for National Science Week.
It’s time to lace up the walking boots/shoes and head to the “bush”!
Right on our doorstep here in inner Melbourne, Studley Park is a mecca for cycling, walking and canoeing. Whether you’ve been to Studley Park on many occasions or not at all, this guided fieldtrip will provide a new insight into this unique location – the largest area of natural remnant vegetation in inner Melbourne.

Our expert, Dr James Driscoll from Monash University (geologist), will be accompanied by the President of the Royal Society of Victoria and Patron of the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria, Mr Rob Gell AM FRGS (geomorphologist) who will see if he can remember anything from field trips to Studley Park that he attended both as a student and as an educator. Together, they will unravel the area’s 420 million years of geological and geomorphological history, and provide insights to the Yarra River that flows through the park.

Please note:Places are limited – suitable for ages 12 and up. There will be approximately 4 km of walking involved with some inclines. Morning tea provided – BYO lunch.