2015 Symposium: Managing Victoria’s Biodiversity under Climate Change

Managing Victoria's Biodiversity


Presented by the Victorian National Parks Association, The Royal Society of Victoria and the Bio21 Institute.

What practical steps can we take to help Victoria’s native species and ecosystems survive the impacts of climate change?

Over two days, a series of speakers will briefly outline likely impacts of climate change on Victoria’s ecosystems. Their presentations will address a likely scenario, or a series of scenarios, in 2050. Each talk will be followed by 20 minutes of discussion facilitated by a similarly qualified person. All symposium participants are encouraged to take part in the discussions and recommend useful management actions that can be taken by State Government agencies, local councils, community organisations and/or private landholders.

After the symposium, the information that has emerged will be compiled by ecologist Dr Ian Lunt and published online.

The symposium will prove useful to scientists, land managers, policy makers, conservation NGOs and anyone else interested in the future of Victoria’s natural heritage: our remarkable biodiversity.

Featuring: Dr Bill Birch, Dr Penny Whetton, Adj Prof Dick Williams, Dr Libby Rumpff, Dr Chris Taylor, Prof Rod Keenan, Prof Ralph Mac Nally, Prof Andrew Bennett, Prof Michael Clarke, Prof Brendan Mackey, Prof Max Finlayson, Prof Jon Barnett, Prof Mick Meough, Assoc Prof Sarah Bekessy, Assoc Prof Kathryn Williams, Ms Caitlyn Griffith, Mr Crhis Smyth, the Hon Lisa Neville MP, Prof Peter Gell, Prof John Handmer, Mr Tom Fairman, Prof Janette Lindesay, Prof Steven Chown, Mr Andrew Cox, Dr Jim Radford, Ms Pip Walsh, Dr Andrew Weeks, Prof Michael McCarthy, Assoc Prof Brendan Wintle, Dr Kath Handasyde, Prof Andrew Bennett, Prof Ary Hoffmann, Prof Lynne Selwood and Mr Phil Ingamells.

Registrations: http://ow.ly/Rb3bE

The full program is available online from http://ow.ly/Rb35u .