From the Beginning to the End of HIV: the Great Successes & Remaining Challenges

Professor Sharon Lewin
Director, Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
Professor of Medicine, The University of Melbourne
Consultant Infectious Diseases Physician, Alfred Hospital
NHMRC Practitioner Fellow

Victoria’s Threatened Species: Fighting Extinction

Dr Marissa Parrott
Reproductive Biologist
Wildlife Conservation & Science, Zoos Victoria

Imaging the Living Brain in Health and Disease: MRI and PET Scanning

Professor Gary Egan
Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function

RSV Research Medal Presentation & Lecture: Using Climate Science to Inform Decision Making

Professor David Karoly
Faculty of Science
The University of Melbourne

Using Climate Science to Inform Decision Making: the 2015 RSV Research Medal Lecture

Professor David Karoly
Professor of Atmospheric Science
The University of Melbourne