Secrets from Beyond Extinction: Unlocking the Thylacine Genome

Associate Professor Andrew Pask
ARC Future Fellow, School of Biosciences, The University of Melbourne

Bionic Vision: the Brain-Machine Interface

Professor Arthur Lowery
Director, Monash Vision Group
Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering

The Great South Land: Gondwanan Floras of the Antarctic Fossil Record

Professor David Cantrill
Executive Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Chair, Geological Society of Australia Victoria Division

The 2018 Howitt Lecture

Future Humans: Sex & Evolution

Professor Jenny Graves
Distinguished Professor, La Trobe University; Professor Emeritus, Australian National University; Thinker-in-Residence, University of Canberra; Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne

Testosterone Rex: Death of a Legend?

Professor Cordelia Fine
School of Historical & Philosophical Studies, The University of Melbourne