Professor Trevor Lithgow
ARC Laureate Fellow, Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University
Dr Kaye Morgan
VESKI Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Monash University
Chair of Biomedical Physics, Technische Universität München, Germany
A big night of presentations on the latest work across a range of science fields from outstanding Victorian PhD candidates. Prize finalists will be announced in late June 2017.
Professor Lloyd Hollenberg
Thomas Baker Chair in Physical Biosciences
Deputy Director, Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology
The University of Melbourne
The 2016 RSV Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research: Lecture, Award & President’s Soiree
Dr Samintha Perera
Lecturer in Geomechanics
Department of Infrastructure Engineering
The University of Melbourne
The Phillip Law Postdoctoral Prize for the Physical Sciences – Lecture & Award