Members’ Proxy Form for Voting at the 2023 AGM

In accordance with the Rules of the Society, financial Members of the Royal Society of Victoria Inc. may vote in person or by proxy. Rule 22 and Appendix 1 of the Rules requires notice of the appointment of a proxy, who is a member of the Society with voting rights, to be given or sent […]

Securing the Future of the Gippsland Lakes

This report and its recommendations from the Royal Society of Victoria (RSV) are released in the context of the EGCMA’s renewal of the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site Management Plan, which aims to revisit and reestablish a framework for the maintenance of the Lakes’ unique ecological characteristics through “the promotion of conservation and wise, sustainable use.”

Introducing Associate Professor Anita Goh MRSV, RSV Councillor 2024-6

I have extensive experience in leadership in Australian STEMM, including skills in governance and as a Board Director (most recently Vice President of Science and Technology Australia from 2021-2023 and Co-Chair of its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee). I will bring my unique perspectives, expertise, networks, and energy to RSV.

RSV Research Medal Awarded to Professor Patrick De Deckker AM

The Council of the Royal Society of Victoria is delighted to announce that Professor Patrick De Deckker AM has been selected to receive the RSV’s 2023 Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research. Patrick’s remarkable career spans almost three decades, making enormous contributions to fields within palaeoontology and environmental science.

Honouring Humboldt: Research for a Sustainable World

Alexander von Humboldt has been referred to as ‘the forgotten father of environmentalism.’ As early as 1844, he wrote that humans change the climate ‘by cutting down forests, by changing the distribution of water bodies, and through the production of large vapour and gas masses at the centres of industry.’ Humboldt also described the greenhouse effect in his opus magnum, ‘Kosmos’.