170 Years Young

Today we mark 17 decades of promoting and advancing science in Victoria as a collective of research scholars, educators, policy leaders, innovators and change makers. From our early days as the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science (founded 15 June, 1854) we have worked to develop the knowledge base of our communities, governments and industries, and to understand the unique nature of Victoria’s landscapes, plants and animals through sharing and exploring expertise in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM).

Today, as we all reap the benefits of a thriving Australian research sector and a civilisation fundamentally supported by rapidly advancing technology, we still work to translate elite scientific work into accessible insights, inform general literacy, and seek the translation of research into informed, innovative application by action-oriented people across Victoria.

The RSV develops, adopts and endorses positions where an evidence-based approach to matters of importance to Victoria’s communities, environment or economy can assist policy and decision makers.

Trust in science and scientists is essential to counter the pervasive voice of misinformation; so the independence of our scientific society from the agendas of governments and industries is vital to assure audiences of neutrality and objectivity in our advocacy work. This also enables us to constructively ‘speak truth to power’ without fear or favour.

As a small not-for-profit with a big mission, we rely on the support of our members, donors and sponsors to resource our efforts and deliver our programs. As we close off this financial year, we would be so grateful if you would consider making a tax-deductible donation, either to the Society’s highest priorities or one of the programs we auspice, as listed at https://rsv.org.au/support-the-rsv/.

With thanks,

Mike Flattley
CEO, The Royal Society of Victoria

The Royal Society of Victoria (RSV) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation and a registered charity. Our ability to maintain our programs, promote science and foster universal scientific literacy in our community depends on raising funds in support.

The Society is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) in Australia from 01 Jul 2000. It is covered by Items 1 & 4 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Tax deductible donations can be made in support of our programs at any time.

Not a member? We’re open to anyone with an interest in learning and sharing scientific knowledge to help create a better future for everyone. Join us today, either as an individual or as an organisation, at https://rsv.org.au/how-to-join/.