Science vs. Branding in the Bottled Water Market

While consumers might express concerns for the environmental impacts of disposable plastic bottles, these do not translate to major changes in purchasing behaviour. In other words, knowing that plastic bottles pollute our environment isn’t enough to stop people buying water in plastic bottles. Without intervention, the popularity of bottled water seems unlikely to weaken.

Listening to Cassandra: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy

The transformative power of science suggests it should play a fundamental role in developing public policy, ensuring science informs debates about issues such as sustainable energy production, ecosystem protection, and genetic modification of food. However, using scientific knowledge to inform policy debate is not straightforward.

Welcome to Scientell

We are absolutely delighted to welcome Simon Torok and Paul Holper of science communication agency Scientell to the Society’s historic building.

Simon and Paul are seasoned science communicators, writers, editors, marketers, media strategists and business developers. They have acquired extensive experience as program managers and communications specialists with CSIRO over many years.

Scientell recently won the 2016-17 Monash Business Award in the “Micro Business” category in recognition of their significant achievements and innovations, which includes one of their pieces being included in The Best Australian Science Writing 2017 – in some very fine company indeed.