Conserving Eucalypts: The Why and the How
The Bjarne K Dahl Trust and the Royal Society of Victoria present a one day symposium highlighting eucalypt diversity and conservation. Providing scientific insights to the future of Australian forests, woodlands and biota, Conserving Eucalypts will engage scientists, forest managers and anyone interested in the response of eucalypt forests and woodlands to environmental threats in the 21st century.
“I regard the forests as an heritage given to us by nature, not for spoil or to devastate, but to be wisely used, reverently honoured and carefully maintained. I regard the forests as a gift, entrusted to any of us only for transient care during a short space of time, to be surrendered to posterity again as an unimpaired property, with increased riches and augmented blessings, to pass as a sacred patrimony from generation to generation. “
The program includes an optional field trip to the Mt Rothwell Biodiversity Interpretation Centre on Saturday, 19 March from 2.30pm to late.
Further details, including abstracts and program guide, are available now in the Symposium Booklet.
Featuring leading researchers in forest ecology, the biosciences, and environmental and resource management: