Research Innovation & Impact: A New Path from CSIRO

The 2015 Cummins Oration
Associate Professor Matthew Hill
Team Leader, Integrated Nanoporous Materials, CSIRO
2014 Physical Scientist of the Year, Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

The Quantum Age of Diamond – the 2015 Phillip Law Postdoctoral Award Lecture

Dr Marcus W Doherty
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laser Physics Centre
Research School of Physics and Engineering
Australian National University

Creating Green, Healthy, Resilient and Liveable Cities and Towns

Assoc Prof Mark McDonnell
Director, Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology
The Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Fortifying for the Future: Micronutrient-Enriched Cereals to Improve Global Health

Dr Alexander Johnson
Senior Lecturer, School of BioSciences
The University of Melbourne

Extinct Megafauna, Camels, and the Australian Desert: the 2014 Simpson Desert Palaeontology Expedition

Dr Jillian Garvey
ARC DECRA Fellow, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
La Trobe University