The Age of Victoria’s Volcanoes

The 2016 A W Howitt Lecture
Dr Erin Matchan
Noble Gas Geochronologist
School of Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne

Researchers Behaving Badly

Professor David Vaux
Assistant Director
Joint Division Head, Cell Signalling & Cell Death
Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Science in the State’s Interest: the Victorian Precursors to CSIRO

Joint Lecture with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria
Dr James Waghorne
University Historian, The University of Melbourne

Continental Loss: The Quest to Determine Antarctica’s Contribution to Sea-Level Rise

Professor Matt King
Professor of Polar Geodesy & ARC Future Fellow, University of Tasmania

How does Nature do it? Unlocking High-Performance Natural Composites with Computers to Inspire New Materials

Professor Tiff Walsh
Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University