The Spock and Kirk of Science Communication

Tanya Ha
Director of Engagement, Science in Public
Associate, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute

Understanding Persistence & Adaptation of Wildlife in the Genomic Age

Professor Paul Sunnucks
Leader of Persistence & Adaptation Research Team, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University

Every Brain Needs Music: How music influences healthy brain development and ageing

Dr Larry Sherman
Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology & Senior Scientist, Neuroscience
Oregon Health & Science University

A multi-media musical performance and exploration of the origins of music, how our nervous systems develop and age, and how music can affect the structure and function of the brain during development and throughout life!

Neural Interfaces: a New World of Brain Augmentation

Dr Thomas Oxley
Founding CEO, Synchron
Director of Innovation Strategy, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City
Head of Vascular Bionics Laboratory, The University of Melbourne

Playing with Light: Dynamic Soft-Tissue X-Ray Imaging at the Synchrotron

Dr Kaye Morgan
VESKI Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Monash University
Chair of Biomedical Physics, Technische Universität München, Germany