Members’ Proxy Form for Voting at the 2019 AGM

In accordance with the Rules of the Society, financial Members of the Royal Society of Victoria Inc. may vote in person or by proxy. Rule 21 (1) requires notice of the appointment of a proxy, who is a member of the Society, to be given or sent to the Honorary Secretary at the Society’s Office no later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday 13th May 2020, the last working day before the meeting, which will be held at 5:00 pm on Thursday 14th May 2020 online as a Zoom conference.

Professor David Karoly awarded the 2015 RSV Medal for Scientific Excellence

Renowned Victorian climate scientist Professor David Karoly is the 2015 winner of the prestigious Royal Society of Victoria’s Medal for Scientific Excellence in the Earth Sciences. A Professor of Atmospheric Science from the School of Earth Sciences within the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Science, Professor Karoly’s acclaimed career has placed him ahead of a very strong field of […]

Sunday Age Article – 30th November 2014

Dear Member, Council was aware of the possible publication of an article in the Sunday Age concerning the Lynette Young Bequest. It has now been published, although some changes have been made to online versions as a result of information supplied in the second letter sent by our lawyers. The Executive is considering what action […]