Members’ Proxy Form for Voting at the 2024 AGM

In accordance with the Rules of the Society, financial Members of the Royal Society of Victoria Inc. may attend the Annual General Meeting to vote in person, or otherwise submit a proxy to vote on their behalf. Rule 22 and Appendix 1 of the Rules requires notice of the appointment of a proxy, who is […]

Victorian STEM Investment Critical for Driving Innovation

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), the Royal Society of Victoria (RSV), and the Science Teachers’ Association of Victoria (STAV) warn of a crisis in science and mathematics education. With declining participation rates in senior secondary courses, Victoria is not developing enough STEM-skilled professionals to meet the state’s current and future needs.

Introducing Mr Blair Darragh FRGS FLS MRSV, RSV Councillor 2025-7

Over my career I have worked collaborately in multidisciplinary teams and applied geospatial solutions to solve problems in the environmental, defence, emergency management and transportation fields. I have also worked on technology projects across the three tiers of government and also on international projects.

Introducing Professor Joanna Batstone FTSE MRSV, RSV Councillor 2025-7

I have over 30 years’ experience in industrial Research and Development roles at IBM and significant executive management experience leading Research and Development projects worldwide. Originally trained as a PhD Physicist in the UK, I have always valued the role professional societies play in the dialogue around the impact of science on society.

Young Scientist Research Prizes 2024

Announcing our 2024 prize winners! Every year, final year PhD candidates present their doctoral studies to the Royal Society of Victoria, competing for four prizes across four categories that recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists. Our eight finalists present under the four categories: Biological Sciences, Biomedical & Health Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Physical Sciences.