The RSV Research Medal
The RSV Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research

In its Centenary year (1959) the Royal Society of Victoria instituted a Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research. The Award consists of a Silver Medal, which is awarded annually for scientific research in one of four categories that rotate from year to year.
Nominations are invited for the Royal Society of Victoria Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research 2023 in Category III: Earth Sciences. This category includes research in the disciplines of Geology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geophysics, Planetary Physics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physical Geography, Palaeontology and related sciences.
The last Medal recipient in this category was Professor Andrew Pitman.
Award criteria:

The award of the Medal is based on demonstration of the candidate’s excellence and leadership in scientific research. The candidate’s research work shall have been carried out in Australia (including its territories), or on Australia, with preference for work done in Victoria, or on Victoria.
• Nominations open on 31 March, 2023 and close at 5pm on 31 July, 2023.
• Candidates cannot nominate themselves.
• Members of scientific societies, academies, universities and research institutes are invited to make nominations.
• The nomination statement should demonstrate the candidate’s:
1. Exemplary publication track record during the ten year period from 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2022. The track record will be judged on papers published and/or accepted for publication in refereed international journals. Work outside the ten year period will not be considered, subject to due consideration of career breaks for primary care responsibilities.
2. Consistent excellence in innovation or ground-breaking research and patents, incorporating novel scientific techniques and methods – described in plain language.
3. Impact of research beyond publication and citation rates. This could relate to advancing the discipline generally, changing public practice, influencing public discussion and opinion, or demonstrating direct interventions and improvement in management, exploration methodology, product performance, biodiversity conservation, patient outcomes etc.
4. Exemplary leadership in science incorporating evidence of: a major contribution to the public promotion of science, advocacy for science, partnership building, collaborations, role model and influence across the scientific community.
Career record relative to opportunity will be considered by the assessors. Nominators should indicate whether the nominee is an early career researcher, has had career interruptions, or has had extended periods of part-time employment. For multi-authored publications, the contribution of the applicant should be indicated.
The submission should consist of:
The nomination statement, signed by the nominator, covering points 1 to 3 above. This must be in Times New Roman, 11 point, and no more than three A4 pages please.
A brief (no more than five A4 pages) Curriculum Vitae of the candidate. A list of publications, attached in supplement, should be constrained to the ten year period from 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2022.
The nomination submission should in the form of a single PDF file sent via email, attention to the Chief Executive Officer, at [email protected]
The Royal Society of Victoria reserves the right to seek independent referees in considering the nominations received, and not to consider nominations that do not comply with the nomination format or do not address the award criteria.
If no candidate of sufficient merit is nominated, no award need be made in a particular year.
No posthumous award will be made.
The Award:

The successful candidate will receive an engraved silver medal which is presented by the Society’s patron, the Governor of Victoria or, in the event of Her Excellency’s unavailability, a senior leader of Victoria’s science community.
The medallist will be required to present a lecture to the Society Members and guests on the evening of Thursday, 7th December 2023 at which the Medal will be presented.
Enquiries: CEO, The Royal Society of Victoria, 8 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9663 5259, or via email.
Future Awards will be categorised as follow:
Category IV: Physical Sciences (2024)
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and related sciences.
Category I: Biological Sciences (non-human) (2025)
Agriculture, Biochemistry, Botany, Cell Biology, Ecology, Forestry, Zoology, and related areas of non-human biological science.
Category II: Biomedical and Health Sciences (2026)
Genetics, Immunology, Human Physiology, Human Anatomy, Pathology, Neurology, Epidemiology, Endocrinology, Radiology, Microbiology, Medical Parasitology, Nuclear Medicine, and related human sciences.
Category III: Earth Sciences (2027)
Geology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geophysics, Planetary Physics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physical Geography, Palaeontology and related sciences.
Past Medallists:
RSV Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research – Past Winners