Upcoming Events

Talks, Tours, Lectures, Conferences & Symposia

The Royal Society of Victoria offers a rich program of events concerned with science in Victoria and its relevance to the progress of our State. Our “ordinary meetings” represent our core lecture program, available to the public. Evening lectures generally start at 6:00pm; the venue is the Society’s Ellery Theatre, upstairs (please note: no lifts!) at 8 La Trobe Street, Melbourne. We also convene forums and conferences with our partners, and occasionally host events at other locations around the state.

With the partnership of the Inspiring Victoria program, many of our events are now professionally filmed to provide options for both in-person and remote attendance. You can access our archive of filmed events from our video page.

Ticket holders are invited to socialise and network over food and drink with our speakers following our lectures; tickets are available from each event’s listing.

Upcoming Events:

Date/Time Event
Thursday 15 May, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Annual General Meeting

Full RSV members (ie. with voting rights) are asked to register to attend the 2023 Annual General Meeting, noting a quorum of 50 will be required.