RSV March for Science Melbourne Meetup

Ants marching

Many of our members have indicated their alarm at the recent tenor of domestic and global political debate and rhetoric, particularly where this foments uncertainty around the validity and integrity of scientists and the scientific process, apparently to suit ideological or commercial agendas before the interests of sound objective reasoning and evidence-based decision making.

Consequently, we lend our support to the March for Science movement in Melbourne and join the organisers in calling for action in the following areas:

Universal Literacy: A well-informed community is essential to a free, democratic and successful society. We support education to promote broad public knowledge and discussion of scientific work. As professionals, parents and community-engaged volunteers, we enthusiastically contribute our time and expertise to helping children and students of all ages engage with the physical universe and biological world.

Open Communication: Publicly-funded scientists have a responsibility to communicate their research; public outreach and accessibility of scientific knowledge should be encouraged. Communication of scientific findings and their implications must not be suppressed.

Informed Policy: Public policy should be guided by peer-reviewed evidence and scientific consensus. Public policy must enable scientists to communicate their publicly-funded research results, and must support literacy in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Stable Investment: A long-term, strategic approach to investment in scientific research and development is essential for driving true innovation. Government commitments to stable science funding policy will deliver solutions to our complex challenges, promoting prosperity for all.

Our members and friends will congregate at the Royal Society of Victoria, 8 La Trobe Street, Melbourne at 12:30pm on Saturday, 22nd April before joining the main march at the State Library of Victoria at 1:00pm. Please register your intention to join us, and we’ll look out for you!